Female Sexual Abuse of Children by Michelle Elliott (ed.), 1994
This courageous and powerful book is a first step in addressing the secrecy, distress, anger, and fear surrounding female sexual abuse of children. Refuting the rationales for our lack of attention to the problem and contradicting some commonly held beliefs about sexual abuse, it combines accounts from survivors with input from professionals working with both survivors and abusers.
Women Who Sexually Abuse Children: From Research to Clinical Practice (Wiley Series in Child Care & Protection) 1st Edition 1996, By Jacqui Saradjian.
Based on in-depth research and clinical practice, this book aims to raise further awareness by providing information as to the ways in which these women can and do sexually abuse, and, by considering the possible motivations, to lead ultimately to more effective assessment and intervention strategies. By means of interviews, construct grids and questionnaires the author provides a profile of these women, their lives, childhood, their own abuse histories, adult relationships with partners, peers and children, social stresses, support networks and coping strategies. This provides a sound basis for treatment as well as indicators for early detection and prevention. The women’s attitudes, beliefs and opinions are reflected throughout and the research is illustrated with relevant case material.
Behind the Façade: Exposing Female Sex Offenders and Helping Abuse Victims to Heal by Julie A. Brand, 2021
Probably one of the best, most up-to-date books on the subject of women who sexually abuse boys and girls. Julie Brand, M.S., combines research data, professional insights and survivors’ shared histories to enlighten readers about the reality of female-perpetrated sexual abuse. The book consists of three separate, independent chapters: 1) Female Sex Offenders: Unmasking the Perpetrators, 2) What About Our Boys? Understanding the Challenges Facing Male Victims of Sexual Abuse and Assault, and 3) A Path to Recovery and Resiliency. Each chapter includes information from her workshops but also adds riveting new cases and material.
One in Six: A Man’s Guide to Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse by Russell Stagg, 2023
Licensed psychotherapist Russell Stagg explains that most survivors struggle with post-traumatic stress or PTSD (particularly complex PTSD), even if they don’t know it. Pointing out that most addicts and alcoholics have a history of child abuse, he then addresses addictions, including those to porn and sex. He acknowledges that survivors often end up in abusive relationships, and cites reputable studies showing men are about as likely to be domestic violence victims as women.
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